Pet Registration

When to Obtain A Pet License

New Pet:     Licensing of new pets is done throughout the year. Dogs 7 months of age or older and cats over 4 months of age must be licensed.


  • Dog licenses - During the month of January due by January 31

  • Cat licenses - During the month of July due by July 31

How to Obtain A Pet License

Required Documentation

  • Proof of rabies vaccination.  The State Department of Health requires that the rabies certificate be good at least 10 of the 12 months of the current licensing period.

    • Dogs: Rabies certificates cannot expire before October 1, 2025

    • Cats:  Rabies certificates cannot expire before May 1, 2026

    • For pets certified exempt from rabies vaccination as provided by regulations of the State Department of Health, a Certification of Exemption from Rabies Vaccination Form must be completed by a veterinarian and submitted with the application for a license. 

    • According to N.J.A.C. 8:23A-4.2, if an animal’s rabies vaccination expires before the required 10-month cut-off for licensing, a booster shot must be given before the license can be issued. Getting a booster vaccination before the previous one expires does not increase the risk of adverse reactions.                                                                                                                         

  • Proof of sterilization










Late Fee

$20.00 after March 1st

$20.00 after September 1st

If you are submitting a payment after March 1 for a dog or September 1 for a cat, please ensure that you send two separate checks—one for the licensing fee and one for the late payment fee.

For assistance, please call the Health Department at 201-784-0600, ext. 493 or Email Ms. Bae