Attn: Board of Ethics
295 Closter Dock Road
Closter, NJ 07624
Email Borough of Closter
Board of Ethics
The Closter Board of Ethics is charged with enforcing the Borough's Code of Ethics,
contained in Chapter 18 of the Borough Code.
It does so through review of the Local Financial Disclosure Forms filed by all Borough officers, members of Boards and Commissions, and managerial employees, and by investigations of complaints filed by concerned citizens or on the Board's own initiative.
The Board consists of six (6) residents appointed by the Mayor and Council.
Currently serving are:
Steve Roland, Chairman
John Hernandez , Vice Chairman
Paola Racli, Secretary
Lawrence Chapin
David Hollender
Regular Meetings are held at 8:30 pm on the third Thursday of each of the following months - January, March, May, September, December.
The Board may be contacted by mail at the following: